
What is ThermiVA?

ThermiVA is a revolutionary new system that uses temperature-controlled radio frequency waves to stimulate collagen production and tighten tissue that lines the vaginal canal. By improving blood flow and collagen production deep into the vaginal tissue, ThermiVa improves laxity, pelvic prolapse, and increases moisture production. These are issues numerous women suffer as a result of pregnancy, childbirth or menopause. Both can cause problems with vaginal burning, dryness and itching, urinary incontinence, pain during intercourse, lax vaginal muscles. ThermiVa alleviates these symptoms for many women. It is the same technology that’s been used for years in dermatology to restore skin ThermiVa can also shrink the external labia tissue for a more youthful appearance.

What Does ThermiVA Treatment Entail?

ThermiVA is a painless, 30-minute office procedure that does not require anesthesia. An S-shaped probe that emits targeted radiofrequency energy is inserted into the vagina. Many patients describe the sensation as an easily tolerated warm feeling. There is no downtime with this procedure, unlike traditional vaginal rejuvenation surgery which usually involves a six-week recovery. In fact, patients can resume normal activities, including sexual intercourse and exercise, the same day. Some benefits are experienced immediately, but three treatments scheduled about a month apart are recommended for the best results. Benefits may last 9-12 months. Patients typically go for an additional maintenance session once a year.

Who is a Candidate for ThermiVA?

Women experiencing vaginal laxity, as a result of pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, or excessive weight loss, may benefit from this painless, minimally-invasive procedure. When the vaginal walls become stretched, it results in decreased friction during intercourse which can diminish sexual satisfaction. Stretched vaginal muscles can also cause incontinence. More than half post-menopausal women have some degree of urinary leakage, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics. ThermiVA is a remarkable breakthrough that offers relief from gynecological issues without painful, invasive surgery.